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New Brunswick Association Of Medical Radiation Technologists (NBAMRT)

Internationally edcated applicant


Assessment and Application Process

Internationally Educated Medical Radiation Technologists (IEMRT’s) are individuals who have completed an education program in medical imaging to its full extent outside of Canada. As an IEMRT, before being eligible to practice in Canada, education as well as skills learnt outside of the country need to be assessed to ensure they meet the national requirements of entry to practice competencies.

Those who wish to work as medical radiation technologists within the province of New Brunswick, must be registered with the New Brunswick Regulatory College of Medical Radiation Technologists (NBRCMRT) in order to obtain a certificate of registration (license) to practice.

Step 1 - 
CAMRT International Assessment 

IEMRT’s new to Canada who wish to practice in New Brunswick must first apply to undergo the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) national standard assessment of credentials.

The CAMRT will assess the IEMRTs language proficiency, substantial similarity of qualifications, and work experience.  Once established, the IEMRT will be notified of their eligibility to write the National Certification Exam.  The CAMRT Application of Assessment Form for IEMRT’s along with the fee, and other documentation required to undergo an assessment can be found here.


  • The application of assessment including supporting documentation must be submitted to the CAMRT at least three (3) months prior to the registration deadline for the exam date of which the applicant wishes to take.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the assessment process and timeline details on the CAMRT website as they have an extensive collection of resources to help prepare IEMRTs.

Step 2 - Challenging the Certification Exam

CAMRT Certification Exam Registration details can be found here.
To contact the CAMRT for any further inquiries their email address is: info@camrt.ca 


Step 3 -  Practicing in New Brunswick 

After writing the certification exam, while awaiting the results, IEMRT’s wishing to practice in New Brunswick are eligible to apply for Temporary Practice registration as defined within the NBRCMRT Bylaws:

Type Two- This Temporary membership may be available to Internationally Educated MRT’s who have met all CAMRT requirements and who are eligible to write the National Certification Exam. A Type Two temporary membership will be issued for a duration of 6 weeks and may commence the day after the IEMRT writes the National Certification Exam.

As Temporary Practice registration is for a very short period as well as to prevent potential delays in optimizing the time of eligibility to practice, it is recommended that applications for registration and supporting documentation be submitted at least one (1) week prior to the day of the certification exam sitting.

Once confirmation of successful exam results has been received, a new Certificate of Registration demonstrating the status change to Full Practice which will remain valid until the end of the calendar year will be issued and will supersede the previously issued Temporary Practice Certificate of Registration . 

Full Practice Certificates of Registration are to be renewed annually.  Registrants are able to renew their
registration for the next calendar year (Jan to Dec) from October 1st to November 15th.

  • If the IEMRT is transferring to work in New Brunswick after previously working as an MRT in another Canadian regulated province, they may ask their current regulatory organization to complete and send the NBRCMRT a Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) form. This form contains information confirming the MRT has already proven to meets Canadian Standards. The other supplementary documentation besides the CFTA that needs to be submitted is the application for registration form, proof of practice with a break down of hours worked yearly (for the past five years) , and the dues payment. Should there be an area of concern with the documentation provided the NBRCMRT will be in contact.

  • If the IEMRT is transferring to New Brunswick from an unregulated province, they will need to submit an application for registration form to the NBAMRT along with all the other supporting documentations and fees outlined at the bottom of the form. A CFTA cannot be accepted in this case. Should there be an area of concern with the documentation provided the NBRCMRT will be in contact.
Process for Registration in New Brunswick: 
The steps for IEMRT applicants transfering into New Brunswick after having previously worked as an MRT in a regulated or unregulated province are the same steps as a Canadian Educated MRT looking to transfer in. The specific requirements to complete an application given the possible different circumstances is outlined again in point form under the Canadian Educated section of the website.
Any application forms/documentation can be sent via email to registrar@nbamrt.ca 

Further information regarding Application Status Types can be found under Registration

It is at the discretion of the NBRCMRT whether to process a registration, or to postpone a decision for any unresolved circumstances found in an application.

 Relevant NBRCMRT Forms