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New Brunswick Association Of Medical Radiation Technologists (NBAMRT)

public register 

In accordance with 21(1) of the New Brunswick Association of Medical Radiation Technologists Act 2004 and 22(1) of the New Brunswick Regulatory College of Medical Radiation Technologists Act 2024

The Registrar shall maintain, in accordance with the by-laws, a register of all persons authorized to practise medical radiation technology under this Act.

The information provided within the public register includes but is not limited to; registrant’s legal name, registration number, date of initial registration, registration type, status, effective and expiry as well as the speciality of practice and any conditions and/or restrictions.  

The public directory can be accessed by selecting: Find an MRT or by selecting the "Find an MRT" on the top right menu option which is available on any page of the College's website.

Note: The public directory displays information in real-time