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New Brunswick Association Of Medical Radiation Technologists (NBAMRT)

Registration fees

Application for Registration:
A non-refundable application fee of $100.00 must accompany each initial application for registration.  Fee applied in addition to the prescribed dues (if applicable) for all new applications (i.e., Full-practice, Non-practice, Temporary Practice, Second specialty, Transfer in province, etc.)

Application for Reinstatement:
A non-refundable application fee of $100.00 must accompany each application for reinstatement. Fee applied in addition to the prescribed dues for those who have resigned in good standing. *

Applicable administrative fees.


A one-time non-refundable application fee of $100.00 must accompany the application for student registration which will remain in effect for the duration of the program that the applicant is enrolled in.

Registration Dues & Payment information

Payment Methods:

E-Transfer to the NBRCMRT Treasurer treasurer@nbamrt.ca or;                     

Cheque / Money Order made payable and addressed to the NBRCMRT, 400-270 Douglas Avenue, Bathurst, NB E2A 1M9


Related links: Canadian Educated Internationally Educated